Federal Supreme Court votes for unauthorized biographies

Thus far, six of the eleven court justices have deemed requiring

Published on 12/06/2015 - 10:39 By André Richter reports from Agência Brasil - Brasília

A ministra do STF, Cármen Lúcia Antunes Rocha participa da abertura do 7 Fórum Liberdade de Imprensa & Democracia (Antonio Cruz/Agência Brasil)

According to Minister Cármen Lúcia, requiring authorization from the object of biographical works is unconstitutional. Antonio Cruz/Agência Brasil

The majority of ministries at the Federal Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday (Jun 10) that demanding previous authorization for the publication of biographical works is unconstitutional. Up to now, six ministers have spoken their minds referring to the requirement as a form of pre-release censorship.

Supreme court justices at the plenary session followed the ballot of Minister Cármen Lúcia, rapporteur in the direct action on inconstitutionality from the National Book Publishers' Association (Anel) against lower court decisions which banned unauthorized biographies from release.

The rapporteur decision was backed by Ministers Luís Roberto Barroso, Rosa Weber, Luiz Fux, Dias Toffoli and Gilmar Mendes. Still uncast are the votes of Ministers Marco Aurélio, Celso de Mello, and Supreme Court head Ricardo Lewandowski. As justices of the top court total 11, the six votes against the ban of unauthorized biographies already make up the majority.

According to the rapporteur, requiring authorization from the object of biographical works is unconstitutional. In spite of ensuring the freedom of biographers, Minister Cármen Lúcia noted that material compensation may be due in cases of abuse.

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: Federal Supreme Court votes for unauthorized biographies

Edition: Beto Coura / Augusto Queiroz

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