Últimas notícias Human Rights

Brasília (DF) 09/06/2023 - A presidenta da Fundação Nacional dos Povos Indígenas (Funai), Joenia Wapichana é a convidada do programa Brasil em Pauta da Empresa Brasil de Comunicaçāo (EBC).
Foto: Joédson Alves/Agência Brasil
Human Rights

Indigenous peoples demand priority in protection

Brazil is home to about 1.7 million self-declared indigenous individuals belonging to 305 ethnic groups. This population accounts for 0.83% of the total population.

Brasília (DF) 16/04/2024 - Daniel Munduruku, um dos entrevistados da série indíge
Foto: Daniel Munduruku/Divulgação
Human Rights

Author Daniel Munduruku: Non‑indigenous vision of future is alienating

“Looking to the future alienates people from the more immediate need to build our existence in the present. It’s a vision that educates people to selfishness,” he said in an interview to Agência Brasil.

Brasília (DF) 15/04/2024 - Demógrafa e professora da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD), Rosana Colman
Foto: Rosana Colman/Arquivo Pessoal
Human Rights

“We’ll continue to exist,” says demographer on indigenous future

The number of Brazilians who identify as indigenous has grown sixfold in the last 30 years. “The main conclusion is that we’ll continue to exist,” said Professor Rosa Colman from the University of Grande Dourados, interviewed by Agência Brasil.

Surucucu (RR), 09/02/2023 - Mulheres e crianças yanomami em Surucucu, na Terra Indígena Yanomami.  Foto: Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil
Human Rights

Mortality of indigenous children over double that of non-indigenous

The data underscores that indigenous communities are facing an inadequate situation, falling short of the targets outlined in the UN 2030 Agenda ratified in 2015.

16/09/2023, Sede da ONU. Foto: Juan Seguí Moreno/Flickr
Human Rights

UN receives report on “alarming” rise of neo‑Nazi groups in Brazil

Neo-Nazi cells surged by 270.6% from Jan. 2019 to May 2021 countrywide, a phenomenon said to have been driven by the spread of hate speech and extremist narratives. At the beginning of 2022, Brazil had over 530 such groups.