UN: One in every five women refugees a victim of gender-based violence

Women accounted for 49 percent of refugees in 2016, according to the

Published on 26/06/2017 - 11:59 By Heloisa Cristaldo reports from Agência Brasil - Brasília

Sanliurfa (Turquia) - Famílias de refugiados vivem em bairros humildes, na periferia de Sanliurfa, no Sudeste da Turquia, dependendo de ajuda para sobreviver (Vladimir Platonow/Agência Brasil)

One in every five refugee or displaced women in humanitarian complexes has been a victim of violence.Vladimir Platonow/Agência Brasil

One in every five refugee or displaced women in humanitarian complexes has been a victim of violence. The figure comes from the United Nations, which says the problem is underreported, and served as a warning on the Orange Day for Ending Violence Against Women, observed on Sunday (June 25).

According to the UN, discrimination against women and girls is the cause and consequence of forced displacement and statelessness (not having a nationality and citizenship). This discrimination is often aggravated by other circumstances, including ethnicity, physical disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and social background.

According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Global Trends report, women accounted for 49 percent of refugees in 2016. Those who are unaccompanied, pregnant, or aged are even more vulnerable.

The Orange Day for Ending Violence against Women is observed every 25th of each month as part of the UniTE Campaign run by UN Women to raise awareness of the problem and demand the conditions for women and girls to live free from violence.

Translated by Mayra Borges

Fonte: UN: One in every five women refugees a victim of gender-based violence

Edition: Wellton Máximo / Olga Bardawil

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