Women's rights counseling to reach out to the Amazon by boat

Facility mounted to boat to expand counseling and assistance with

Published on 16/01/2014 - 16:38 By - Brasilia

Brasília – A branch of Caixa Econômica Federal (Brazil's federal savings bank) mounted to a riverboat on the Marajó island, state of Pará (at the mouth of the Amazon river) will provide counseling on women's rights, protection laws, and related legal resources (special courts, public defense offices, prosecution services, courts of justice, special police stations), in addition to its regular banking services.

A cooperation agreement was signed Thursday (Jan. 16) in the capital Belém by the presidency's secretary for Women's Policies, Eleonora Menicucci, and Caixa CEO Jorge Hereda. The cooperation is designed to expand the range of services provided under a federal government initiative called “Mulher, Viver sem Violência” (“Women – Living Without Violence”) created to improve assistance available to victims of violence against women.

The boat will set out on January 20 to travel nine municipalities in Belém during 20 days.

Translated by Mayra Borges

Fonte: Women's rights counseling to reach out to the Amazon by boat

Edition: Graça Adjuto / Nira Foster

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