New generation of sea turtles born after 35 years

Oceanographer Guy Marcovaldi says the number of baby turtles surged

Published on 22/08/2015 - 12:52 By Alana Gandra reports from Agência Brasil - Rio de Janeiro

Projeto Tamar

Project Tamar Projeto Tamar/Divulgação

Project Tamar is celebrating its 35th anniversary at the Oceanarium of Aracaju, Sergipe, on August 26 and 27. During the celebrations, baby sea turtles will be released on Atalaia beach.

In the view of Tamar's national coordinator, ?? Guy Marcovaldi, the project is celebrating “much more than just an anniversary. It's a new generation of sea turtles that appeared on the Brazilian coast.” Data are collected every five years, and, Marcovaldi says, “the number of turtles, which was seen to rise slightly every five years, skyrocketed over the last half-decade.” In his opinion, this is a new generation of turtles which is re-occupying Brazilian beaches. From 2005 to 2009, the number surged from 4.5 to 8.4 million babies every year. “It has nearly doubled.”

O Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conserva o de Tartarugas Marinhas (Tamar) comemora hoje (14) 33 anos com a soltura do filhote 15 milh es simbolizando o n mero de tartaruguinhas soltas no mar desde a cria o do Pr

Monitored turtle Agencia Brasil/arquivo

For the five upcoming years, the goal is “to confirm that this generation will remain active, healthy, and breeding, drawing the turtles ever farther away from extinction. We haven't reached that point yet, but we will,” Marcovaldi said.

In addition to the release of the baby turtles, the celebration schedule includes folklore and theater performances, and a concert with singer Milton Nascimento and Dudu Lama Trio.

Project Tamar has been sponsored by Petrobras for over three decades.

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: New generation of sea turtles born after 35 years

Edition: Graça Adjuto / Olga Bardawil

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