Temer attends tribute ceremony to former president of Portugal

In Lisbon, the Brazilian president said Mário Soares intensified

Published on 10/01/2017 - 17:14 By Marieta Cazarré reports on-the-scene for Agência Brasil - Lisboa

Lisboa - Presidente Michel Temer fala à imprensa após encontro com o presidente de Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (Beto Barata/PR)

Brazil's president Michel TemerBeto Barata/PR

Brazil's president Michel Temer attended the funeral ceremony in Lisbon in honor of former Portuguese President Mário Soares, accompanied by former President José Sarney.

After meeting with Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo, Temer pointed out that Soares intensified the relations between both countries.

After the ceremony, President Michel Temer, together with the Brazilian delegation, went to the air base to return to Brazil

Political trajectory

Mário Soares died Saturday (Jan. 7) afternoon, aged 92, at the Red Cross Hospital, after more than 20 days in hospital. The Portuguese government announced 3 days of mourning.

*Information from Agência Lusa was added to this article

Translated by Amarílis Anchieta

Fonte: Temer attends tribute ceremony to former president of Portugal

Edition: Carolina Pimentel / Nira Foster

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