Brazil chancellor calls for stronger cooperation within BRICS

In the meeting that serves as preparation for the next BRICS summit,

Published on 19/06/2017 - 16:38 By Ana Cristina Campos, special correspondent from Agência Brasil* - BEIJING


Aloysio Nunes spoke on Monday (Jun 19), in Beijing, during an assembly with chancellors from the group of emerging economies that serves as preparation for the next BRICS summit meetingNicolas Asfouri/Agência Lusa

Brazil's Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes advocated stronger economic cooperation among the countries making up BRICS—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South-Africa. He spoke on Monday (Jun 19), in Beijing, during an assembly with chancellors from the group of emerging economies that serves as preparation for the next BRICS summit meeting, to be held in September, in Xiamen, China.

“What I'm referring to is, we eliminate the remaining obstacles to the free trade between our countries, we create practical modes for facilitating commerce between us, and also, with regards to investment, we seek rules that favor investment among BRICS countries, in order to achieve stronger productive integration in our countries,” he declared.

In a joint statement, the chancellors repudiated terrorists attacks across the globe, including some of the countries in the bloc. They reiterate the need for the international community to set up a comprehensive anti-terrorism coalition also aimed at supporting the key role of the United Nations in fighting terrorism.

As for the future of BRICS, Chinese Chancellor Wang Yi noted that the group has “vitality” and “great potential” for the long-term development of the emerging markets.

BRICS 9th Summit will be held from September 3 to 5 in Xiamen, in the province of Fujian, on the southeastern coast of China.

*The reporter traveled at the invitation of the China-Latin America and the Caribbean Press Center.

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: Brazil chancellor calls for stronger cooperation within BRICS

Edition: Kleber Sampaio / Olga Bardawil

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