Temer: Pension reform put off until Feb if it lacks enough votes

The Brazilian president once again said that the overhaul will benefit

Published on 12/12/2017 - 17:28 By Yara Aquino reports from Agência Brasil - Brasília

In a statement made Tuesday (Dec. 12), President Michel Temer said that if the 308 votes necessary to pass the reform in Brazil's pension system at the lower house are guaranteed, the bill will be submitted to vote next week. If not, the vote will be postponed until 2018.

According to Temer, Congress deliberations on the overhaul are slated to begin on Thursday (14) and are expected to help answer all remaining questions on the topic.

Brasília - O presidente Michel Temer recebe o presidente da Macedônia, Gjorge Ivanov, no Palácio do Planalto (Antonio Cruz/Agência Brasil)

Temer talked to journalists about the reform in Brazil's pension system after having lunch with Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov.Antonio Cruz/Agência Brasil

“We'll wait for the discussion to begin. The discussion will be enlightening and then we do the checking. If we have the 308 votes, we'll carry out the vote now, otherwise we wait until February and fix a date in February,” Temer told journalists after having lunch with Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov.

Temer once again said the changes will benefit the poorer portions of the population. “Field workers are out, along with the elderly, who are entitled to a minimum wage after reaching 65, and also disabled people. We've reduced contribution time from 35 to 15 years, making it easier for the poor,” he said.

The bill has been met with criticism among trade union members and opposition leaders, who claim the new rules make a negative impact on the poor and make it difficult for Brazilians to become retirees. The upcoming general elections next year are also a hindrance, as many lawmakers would rather not vote on such controversial topics just now.

To be approved, the bill must garner 308 favorable votes among the 513 members of the Chamber of Deputies. The two-thirds result at the plenary session must be seen twice before it passes on to the Senate, where two votes will also take place.

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: Temer: Pension reform put off until Feb if it lacks enough votes

Edition: Maria Claudia / Mariana Branco

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