Últimas notícias anti-corruption measures

Rio de Janeiro - Ministro do STF e vice-presidente do TSE, Luiz Fux lança o livro Novos Paradigmas do Direito Eleitoral, no TJRJ (Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil)

Supreme Court Justice suspends proceedings of anti-corruption bill

Supreme Court (STF) Justice Luiz Fux decided on Wednesday (Dec. 14) to suspend the proceedings of the bill with 10 measures to fight corruption, which was proposed by direct people's initiative, encouraged by the Public Prosecution Office.

Brasília - Plenário da Câmara dos Deputados encerrou a discussão do projeto de lei que cria medidas contra a corrupção (PL 4850/16) (Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil)

Brazil Congress passes anti-corruption bill after changing it

In a session that dragged out until the early hours of Wednesday (Nov. 30), the Brazilian lower house approved the text of an anti-corruption bill, with 450 votes for it, one against, and three abstentions.

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