Últimas notícias feminicide

Brasília (DF), 25.10.2023 - O Ministério das Mulheres lança a iniciativa Brasil sem Misoginia. A ação conta com o apoio da Secretaria de Estado da Mulher do Governo do Distrito Federal, da Caixa Econômica Federal e da ONU Mulheres. Foto: Claudio Kbene/PR
Human Rights

Brazil launches national campaign against misogyny

The campaign will develop actions together with Google, Facebook, Meta, and YouTube to combat hate speech and the dissemination of false photos of women on social media.

 Deputada estadual Renata Souza (PSOL-RJ), na Assembleia Legislativa do Rio de Janeiro (Alerj)
Human Rights

Rio de Janeiro inaugurates space for women's rights defense

Representative Renata Souza said in a statement that the cases of feminicide in the state of Rio increased 22 percent in 2022 compared to the previous year.

O sinal “X” feito com batom vermelho (ou qualquer outro material) na palma da mão ou em um pedaço de papel, o que for mais fácil, permite que a pessoa treinada reconheça que aquela mulher foi vítima de violência doméstica e, assim, acione a Pol

President sanctions Lilac August campaign

The text was approved by the Congress in August and foresees that the public power promotes actions about the different forms of violence against women.

Human Rights

Maria da Penha Operation to fight feminicide in Brazil

Preventive and repressive actions will be implemented by civil and military police officers until September 27 in order to combat all forms of aggression against women.

Human Rights

Brazil reports 737 thousand cases of domestic violence in nine years

Nearly ten thousand women fell victim to feminicide or attempted murder for gender-related reasons in Brazil over the last nine years, according to a survey conducted by women’s helpline Ligue 180 (Call 180).