Últimas notícias Greenpeace

Em voo aéreo, Greenpeace encontrou exploração mineral não autorizada na Floresta Nacional de Urupadi Foto: Daniel Beltrá/ Greenpeace/ Divulgação

Amazon Summit: Environmentalists criticize lack of concrete goals

The 113 items listed in the summit’s Belém Declaration, signed at the Amazon Summit by the eight signatory nations of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty, offer no practical solutions to tackle climate change, the NGOs said.

Ministro do Meio Ambiente, Sarney Filho, recebe duas caixas com 800 mil assinaturas pela criação de um santuário de baleias no Atlântico Sul

Brazil to support South Atlantic whale sanctuary bid

Brazil is going to support the creation of a whale sanctuary in the South Atlantic to protect cetaceans from hunting and ensure their survival.