Últimas notícias International Women’s Day

Brasília (DF) - 23/02/23 - A ministra da Saúde, Nísia Trindade, é a entrevistada do programa A Voz do Brasil. Foto: Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil.

Gov’t works to value female agents in national health care network

Women make up over 60% of agents in the free national network of hospitals and care stations, or SUS, said Health Minister Nísia Trindade. “Gender parity and women’s rights will guide our actions in the coming years,” she vowed.

O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, acompanhado da primeira-dama Janja Lula da Silva, da ministra das Mulheres, Cida Gonçalves e de outras ministras, anuncia ações no Dia Internacional das Mulheres

Lula: Respect for women is nonnegotiable

After signing resolutions, decrees, and bills, the president listed the 11 female members of his cabinet. “As women advance, so does the country. It’s good for everybody,” he stated.

Brasília (DF) 01/03/2023 O governo federal abre as atividades comemorativas do Dia Internacional da Mulher. Participam a primeira-dama, Janja da Silva, as presidentes do BB e CEF e 11 ministras mulheres do governo Lula.

Brazil’s first lady, head of top court argue for more women in power

Rosa Weber and Janja da Silva are among the seven women awarded with the Bertha Lutz Diploma at a Senate ceremony. The accolade acknowledges their contribution to the defense of women’s rights and gender issues in the country.

Médicos e advogados dão orientação gratuita a mulheres

Women call for public policies aimed at meeting post-pandemic demands

On International Women's Day, celebrated today, Agência Brasil talked to women who work to fight inequalities and support their local communities.

Prefeitura do Salvador, mulheres, trabalho
Human Rights

Brazil women have achieved much, but equality is still a long way off

In a significant number of households, women are the breadwinners, and have to support their families on their own. In 2018, 45 percent of Brazilian households were headed by a woman.