Últimas notícias Iphan

Cais do Valongo, no Rio de Janeiro - Foto João Paulo Engelbrecht/Divulgação Iphan

Archeological site in Rio has management committee back

The operation of the management committee is a Unesco's requirement for Valongo Wharf to keep its world heritage title. It was created in 2018 and extinguished in 2019.

Palácio dos Leões é o edifício-sede do governo do estado brasileiro do Maranhão. Localiza-se no centro histórico da cidade de São Luís

São Luís city celebrates 25 years as world heritage

The title, awarded in Naples in 1997, is said to have stemmed from the city’s diverse urban scene and architecture as well as its history as a Portuguese colonial city.

Palácio de La Ravardière, sede da prefeitura de São Luís

Historic mansions in Maranhão state at risk of collapse

These are manor houses, townhouses, and other buildings up to four stories high—most of them dating from the 18th and 19th centuries in state capital São Luís.

O presidente Jair Bolsonaro participa da comemoração do Dia do Forró e aniversário do Luiz Gonzaga (Rei do Baião), no Palácio do Planalto

President participates in forró recognition ceremony

Last week, in a unanimous decision, the Cultural Heritage Advisory Council of the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan) declared the traditional matrices of forró as Brazil's Cultural Heritage.

Modo de Fazer Viola de Cocho (MT e MS) teve título de Patrimônio Cultural revalidado. Crédito: Acervo/Iphan

Way of Making Viola de Cocho is revalidated as a Cultural Heritage

Cultural assets must undergo, every ten years, revalidation processes for the titles of Cultural Heritage. Objective is to assess the effectiveness of support actions.