Últimas notícias photography

Exposição no IMS de São Paulo mostra as ditaduras chilena e brasileira sob o olhar aguçado do fotojornalista Evandro Teixeira --  Presos políticos encarcerados no subsolo do Estádio Nacional, Santiago, Chile, 22/09/1973. Evandro Teixeira/Acervo

Photo exhibition in São Paulo recalls Chilean, Brazilian dictatorships

Dubbed Evandro Teixeira, Chile, 1973, the display showcases the remarkable records made by the eponymous news photographer for the Brazilian press. The exhibition runs at Moreira Salles Institute until July 30. Entrance is free of charge.

Exposição traz fotografias de Serra Pelada feitas por Sebastião Salgado

São Paulo exhibit to show Sebastião Salgado’s photos of Serra Pelada

Starting on Wednesday (Jul 17), Sesc Avenida Paulista, in downtown São Paulo, will feature the exhibit Gold – Minas de Ouro Serra Pelada, with still images by renowned photographer Sebastião Salgado. The exhibit is free of charge and is slated to end on November 3.