Últimas notícias population

Brasília (DF), 14/08/2023 - A ministra da Saúde, Nísia Trindade, participa da cerimônia de acolhimento dos profissionais do Programa Mais Médicos para o Brasil. Foto: Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil

Brazil has 575,930 active doctors, 2.81 for every thousand people

The sharpest rise in the number of medics occurred 2022–2023, 538,095 to 572,960, up 6.5%. With 2.8 doctors per thousand citizens, Brazil is now close to Canada, and surpasses the US, Japan, South Korea, and Mexico.

Frente fria e ressaca nas praias do Rio de Janeiro

Over half of Brazilians live on the coast, 2022 Census shows

A total of 111.28 mi people live up to 150km from the Brazilian coast—54.8% of the population in 2022—and 9.42 mi (4.6%) live on the border, also at a distance of up to 150km from the limits of the national territory.

Brasília (DF - Caminhos da Reportagem Yanomami - O Direito de Existir - Mulheres indígenas yanomami. - Foto: TV Brasil/Divulgação

Census 2022: Brazil home to 1.69 mi indigenous people

A total of 1,693,535 individuals declare themselves indigenous countrywide, or 0.83% of the nation’s resident population, distributed across 4,832 municipalities. The North and the Northeast have 75% of the country’s native population.

Agentes censitários e moradores da comunidade quilombola de Pedra Bonita, no Alto da Boa Vista. Censo demográfico do IBGE identifica pela primeira vez a população e o território das comunidades quilombolas no Brasil.

Census 2022: Brazil’s population surpasses 203 mi

The number is up 12.3 mi since the previous census, in 2010. The 6.5 percent difference means the average population growth in recent years was 0.52%—the lowest since 1872, when the nation’s first census was conducted.

População caminha no centro de Duque de Caxias, primeiro município do Rio de Janeiro a flexibilizar o uso de máscara.

Life expectancy in Brazil up to 76.8 years

The effects of COVID-19 not considered, life expectancy for men was reported at 73.3 years in 2020. For women, it stood at 80.3 years.