Últimas notícias PT

A cantora Margareth Menezes da Purificação, fala à imprensa no CCBB Brasília

Singer Margareth Menezes will head the Ministry of Culture in Brazil

The artist is the first woman announced as part of the Brazilian ministerial team. In the campaign, the president-elect Lula promised the creation of regional cultural committees to promote local artists and initiatives.

convenção do PSB

Geraldo Alckmin confirmed in presidential ticket with Lula

In his speech, the former governor of São Paulo strongly criticized Brazil´s current government and stated that Lula's future administration will be different.

Convenção Nacional do PT no Novotel Jaraguá, em São Paulo.

Lula now presidential hopeful, Alckmin joins bid as running mate

The Workers’ Party (PT) and party confederation Brazil of Hope—comprising the PT, the PCdoB, and the PV—today (Jul 21) officially announced former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as their candidate for the presidential elections in October.

Official launch of the coalition

Workers' Party (PT) launches Lula's pre-candidacy for president

Leaders of the parties supporting Lula´s candidacy were present, such as PCdoB, Solidariedade, PSOL, PV, and Rede, as well as trade unions, social movements, and influencers.

O governador de São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmim, fala à imprensa após audiência com a presidenta Dilma Rousseff, no Palácio do Planalto (Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil)

Workers’ Party confirms Alckmin as Lula’s running mate

In 2006, Lula and Alckmin vied in the second round of the presidential elections, when Lula was elected for a second term. They will announce their future ticket in May.