Últimas notícias Violence


Brazilian government sees situation in Haiti “with concern”

“Brazil calls on the international community to urgently take concrete steps to support the country, in particular through the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2699,” a note from the Foreign Ministry reads.

Brasília, (DF) – 21/12/2023 – Ministro da Justiça e Segurança Pública,  Flávio Dino, participa do programa do Brasil em Dia. Foto Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil.

Projection points to 6% drop in murders in 2023

“We have a trend, almost a confirmation, of a reduction of around 6% [5.7%] in the so-called intentional lethal violent crimes,” Justice and Public Security Minister Dino said while presenting a preliminary assessment of the ministry’s efforts this year.

Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 24/08/2023 - Integrantes do movimento negro protestam contra a violência policial em caminhada na região da Candelária, centro da cidade. Foto: Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil

Brazil: Among young people, quarter reports having suffered violence

Almost half of employed young people over the age of 18 were exposed, at least once in the 12 months preceding the survey, to factors that could affect their health.


Demonstração de software que o Disque Denúncia passa a utilizar em parceria com The Staff of Security, em que compartilha seu banco de dados de foragidos da justiça com câmeras de segurança que utilizam sistema de reconhecimento facial.

Over 47 mi may be under facial recognition surveillance in Brazil

At least 165 video surveillance projects with facial recognition are reported to be underway across the country. In the Southeast, 21.7 mi people are subject to this technology, compared to 14.1 mi in the Northeast.

Rio de Janeiro - Em ato Contra o Genocídio da Juventude Negra, manifestantes protestam contra a morte de cinco jovens negros por PMs no último sábado (28), em Costa Barros, na zona norte (Tomaz Silva/Agência Brasil)
Human Rights

Black teenagers face higher likelihood of police approaches

The study examined 800 children and adolescents from 120 public and private schools in São Paulo through an extensive questionnaire on their interactions with the police.