Investigation into Marielle Franco’s death moves to Supreme Court

The case investigating the masterminds behind the murder of councilwoman Marielle Franco and her driver Anderson Gomes has been submitted to Brazil’s Supreme Court. The probe seeks to find out who ordered the killings.
Six years ago, on March 14, 2018, the councilwoman and her driver were shot inside the car in which they were traveling in downtown Rio de Janeiro.
The inquiry is being held in secret and no details can yet be obtained about the reasons that led the Federal Police and the Superior Court of Justice, where the case was being processed, to send the case to the country’s top court.
In criminal matters, the Supreme Court is responsible for trying authorities shielded from prosecution, such as federal representatives and senators. Thus, one of the justifications for the referral of the investigation could be the mention of the name of such an authority. However, the reason for moving the investigation has not been confirmed by the Federal Police.
In another case related to the investigation, retired military police officer Ronnie Lessa is due to go before a jury. He is accused of being one of the executors of the murders.
Earlier today, in downtown Rio, family members, friends, and other victims of violence protested against the crime, which has still not been solved.