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In Amazonas, 19 municipalities are flooded and 110 thousand people need help

In Tabatinga, the water has reached 13.54m, slightly below the largest
Pedro Peduzzi reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 27/04/2015 - 19:57
Enchente no Amazonas
© Divulgação/Defesa Civil do Amazonas
Enchente no Amazonas

Eighteen municipalities have declared state of emergency and five report state of alert  Divulgação/Defesa Civil do Amazonas

The floods in the state of Amazonas have affected 110,610 people, or 22,116 families. According to data released on Monday (Apr 27) by the state's Civil Defense, the situation is one of public calamity in Boca do Acre, in the Purus region. Eighteen municipalities have declared state of emergency and five report state of alert.

In Tabatinga, water levels reached 13.52m on Sunday (26), slightly below the largest flood in history, which took place in 1999, with River Solimões at 13.82m. In six districts and 29 riverside communities, 3,680 people were affected, according to the Civil Defense. The state government reports that 363 tons of food have been sent to the areas hit by the flooding.

In a note, Amazonas Secretary for Civil Defense Roberto Rocha said that the financial help from the state government will make it possible for the city authorities to offer continuous support to families. He says $420 thousand has been allotted to help the flooded municipalities.

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: In Amazonas, 19 municipalities are flooded and 110 thousand people need help