Judge suspends case on 2015 Mariana mining disaster

The collapse of a mining tailings dam in Mariana, Minas Gerais, has

Published on 08/08/2017 - 11:12 By Maiana Diniz reports from Agência Brasil - Brasília

Mariana (MG) - Área afetada pelo rompimento de barragem no distrito de Bento Rodrigues, zona rural de Mariana, em Minas Gerais (Antonio Cruz/Agência Brasil)

The collapse of the mining tailings dam owned by Samarco in Mariana has been considered the largest environmental disaster in Brazil, leaving 19 dead.Agência Brasil

A federal judge in Minas Gerais state has suspended criminal proceedings against 22 people being prosecuted for manslaughter in connection with a mining disaster in Mariana on November 5, 2015. Among the defendants are executives of Samarco mining company and its holding companies Vale and BHP Billinton, as well as employees of VogBR engineering company. The companies themselves are also being sued.

The collapse of the mining tailings dam owned by Samarco in Mariana has been considered the largest environmental disaster in Brazil, leaving 19 dead, engulfing the Bento Rodrigues district in sludge, contaminating the Doce river basin, and impacting water supply and food production in a number of nearby cities.

The case has been put on hold until telephone service providers clarify whether wiretaps used by prosecution were legal. Defense lawyers argue the data used by the Federal Prosecution Service (MPF) in their case was obtained through wiretapping beyond the period authorized by the court. The court held the defense's concern as a serious issue that could potentially lead to the case being nullified altogether. The telephone carriers have 10 days to provide the clarifications.

The involved companies have not yet provided comment.

Translated by Mayra Borges

Fonte: Judge suspends case on 2015 Mariana mining disaster

Edition: Maria Claudia / Olga Bardawil

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