Foreign refugees have right to Brazil Aid
Brazil´s Minister of Citizenship Ronaldo Bento said during an interview on public radio broadcast A Voz do Brasil, the country´s income transfer program called Brazil Aid is also paid to foreign refugee families. About 50 thousand Venezuelan families receive this benefit.
According to Minister Bento, 210 thousand families enrolled in this social project are employees with a work contract. He said the goal of the program is to help families achieve economic autonomy, so they are encouraged to get a job.
The minister pointed out that the program is permanent. "It will not end in December, it is a permanent program, instituted by law and it will continue.”
Updating of records
Ronaldo Bento explained that families who are enrolled in the so-called Unified Registry since 2016 should update their data. For those who had no changes in their family composition, the procedure can be done through the CadÚnico app, available for download on the website. However, if data need to be changed, it is necessary to go to a registration office. The registry can be updated until November 11.
Also on the app, beneficiaries can check if their data are outdated, or if the information provided is being crossed with other federal administrative databases.
On the website, users will be able to check the identification data of the person responsible for the family unit, and the family members.