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Rousseff proposes partnership with governors to settle issues and fight crisis

By agreement among state governors, Flávio Dino, governor of Maranhão,
Paulo Victor Chagas reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 30/07/2015 - 20:19
Presidenta Dilma Rousseff discute temas de interesse comum com governadores dos estados.
© Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil
A presidenta Dilma Rousseff se reúne com os governadores do país para discutir responsabilidade fiscal e propostas de governabilidade no Palácio da Alvorada (Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil)

During a meeting with governors from all the Brazilian states, President Dilma Rousseff has listed today (July 30) the causes that had led to the drop in revenue and the reduction of income in state and federal levels. Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil

During a meeting with governors from all the Brazilian states, President Dilma Rousseff has listed today (July 30) the causes that had led to the drop in revenue and the reduction of income in state and federal levels. She mentioned recent events, including the drop in commodity prices and the rise in dollar, which had an impact on the “prices and inflation.” Rousseff pointed out that she and the other governors were elected and campaigned in a “highly more favorable” environment than the current situation.

“This is not an excuse to anyone: it is a fact what we, as leaders, cannot afford ignoring the reality.” stated the president. “Before the facts, we were forced to redress the budget balance,” she observed, mentioning contingencies made by the government this year. According to her, the goal is to revert Brazil to its path of growth and job creation. “I do not deny the problems, but I assert that the federal government is in position to face the difficulties, the challenges, and, in a much shorter run than some think, watch the recovery of the Brazilian economy,” said Rousseff.

The president declared that it is important to always establish partnerships, cooperation and to tackle problems together. “We want to establish partnerships in the new development cycle,” added the president. According to her, one of the partnerships will be on public security, to reduce crime.

The president also pointed out that she and the governors were elected in a democratic process in 2014, to four-year terms by 2018. She defended the measures she has been taking to handle the economic crisis, which is happening in a period of transition to a “new cycle of expansion” and growth.

At the beginning of the meeting with the 26 governors and a vice-governor from all the state of each region of Brazil, the president highlighted the important role of the meeting in the destination and conduction of the country. She claimed that they have a “great heritage in common”: the fact that they were elected in fairly broad democratic process in the country.

In Rousseff's view, the government plan for each of the leaders has a period of performance.

“We all have obligations towards democracy and popular democratic vote. We were elected on the latest and greatest democratic mobilization and, in this election, we took on commitments to the country and to our voters. These commitments expressed in the government plan provide a framework of what we have to develop with all actions, initiatives and projects, making these commitments on the horizon, on the mark and throughout our governing period of four years – thus until 2018.”

The meeting between the president and the governors might be going on overnight and the Justice Minister, José Eduardo Cardozo, will give a presentation on security. Rousseff also invited the Secretariat for Civil Aviation, Eliseu Padilha, which assists government political articulation, to explain the economic impact of the measures under consideration in the National Congress.

According to the governor of Rondonia, Confucius Moura, some representatives were scheduled to discuss predetermined topics. The deal was made during a previous meeting among the governors of the governing coalition, in a hotel in Brasília. The governor of Maranhão, Flávio Dino, will comment on political stability, and Ricardo Coutinho, governor of Paraíba, on economic development.

“We're doing a crisscross to lead Brazil to a better place. We are reshaping the grounds of the economy and we will revert to growth with our full potential” promised Rousseff to the governors at the end of her speech.


Translated by Amarílis Anchieta

Fonte: Rousseff proposes partnership with governors to settle issues and fight crisis