Brazil’s interim president: impeachment is "natural in democracy"

After taking part in an event at the Planalto Palace, the presidential office, to mark the beginning of the Paralympics torch relay, Temer briefly talked to reporters who asked if he was suffering from nerves or unsure about the process.
Interim President Michel Temer denied to be suffering from nerves due to suspended President Dilma Rousseff’s trial that began this Thursday (Aug. 25).
After taking part in an event at the Planalto Palace, the presidential office, to mark the beginning of the Paralympics torch relay, Temer briefly talked to reporters who asked if he was suffering from nerves or unsure about the process.
"It is a very natural thing in democracy," said the president, while leaving the Noble Room of the presidential office.
In Niteroi, in Rio de Janeiro, to participate in an act with steelworkers in Mauá shipyard, former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva defended the suspended president and criticized senators for beginning "the week of national shame."
For him, senators "are beginning to debate the punishment for an innocent woman whose only crime committed was exactly being honest," and they are "chasing" votes of Brazilians who elected her in 2014.
The former president also criticized the administration of interim President Michel Temer, who, according to Lula, is running over the constitution to rise to power.
Translated by Amarílis Anchieta
Fonte: Brazil’s interim president: impeachment is "natural in democracy"