Senate president says Rousseff is “very well and lively”

After a meeting with Brazil's suspended President Dilma Rousseff on Friday (Aug. 19), the President of the Senate, Renan Calheiros, said they had an “institutional” conversation, which was “very good and pleasant” as always.
After a meeting with Brazil's suspended President Dilma Rousseff on Friday (Aug. 19), the President of the Senate, Renan Calheiros, said they had an “institutional” conversation, which was “very good and pleasant” as always. The senator did not give details on the topics discussed at the nearly two-hour meeting, but said that Rousseff, “from a personal point of view, is very well and lively.”
“I shared my thoughts on the overall situation. And so did the president. This evaluation on both sides must remain within the limits of the conversation and cannot be revealed,” he said. Calheiros said he showed Rousseff the roadmap agreed for her final impeachment trial which begins on Aug. 25.
“She'll be there. She made a point of saying so, and she told me she will be ready to answer any questions. We talked about the length of the proceedings and the trial itself and about her role in the process,” he continued. “But she has not revealed what she was and wasn't going to do on the day of the trial or what her expectations were at any point of the conversation,” Calheiros went on.
He again said he had not made his mind on whether he is going to cast a vote toward the verdict and if yes, what his vote will be at the session that can permanently remove Rousseff from the presidency. “I have been leading the proceedings with impartiality, responsibility, and equilibrium. That's precisely what prevents me from revealing what I will and will not do on the trial day,” he said.
Translated by Mayra Borges
Fonte: Senate president says Rousseff is “very well and lively”