Congress enacts remaining part of the PEC of the precatório

Voting yesterday in the Chamber concluded the process

Published on 16/12/2021 - 16:35 By Marcelo Brandão - Repórter da Agência Brasil - Brasília

The president of the Senate and the National Congress, Rodrigo Pacheco, promulgated this afternoon (16) the still pending sections of the Constitution Amendment Proposal (PEC) 46/21, the so-called PEC dos Precatório. Yesterday (15), the Chamber concluded the vote on the amended sections of the PEC in the Senate. A part of the PEC, with the sections of consensus already formed in the two Houses, had been promulgated last week.

The proposal opens up a fiscal space of R$ 43.8 billion for the Union to spend in 2022, as disclosed by the Ministry of Economy. Next year, the application of resources saved with the limit on payment of court orders should be used exclusively in social security and in the Auxílio Brasil program. The stretch already enacted opened a space of R$ 64.9 billion in the 2022 Budget.

Upon being analyzed in the Senate, at the beginning of December, the proposal was modified and had to be returned for analysis by the Chamber. Among the changes was the reduction from 2036 to 2026 of the term of validity for this limit on payment of court orders. Another point was the inclusion of linking the use of resources obtained with income transfer, health, social security and social assistance programs. Before, there was no such reference for the use of this open budget with the PEC.

After signing the enactment, Pacheco highlighted the assistance nature of the proposal and the attention to needy families with social programs. “The part that we are promulgating today opens up even more fiscal space for the implementation of social programs that will guarantee income for the poorest families. It also incorporates the Federal Senate's suggestion to affirm the right to a basic income and to confirm the permanent nature of an income transfer program that realizes this right”.

The text provides an annual limit for the payment of court orders, which are debts of the Union, states, municipalities and the Federal District, determined by a final court ruling. Precatório can be related to taxes, salary issues and others. The President of the Republic denied that the PEC is the instrument of “default”. As he argued at an event last week, the PEC is "a renegotiation, an extension of debt for those who had more than R$600,000 to receive from the government."

Present at the enactment ceremony, the president of the Chamber, Arthur Lira, reiterated Jair Bolsonaro's speech and praised the opening of funds to fund social programs. "To ensure that this and other programs have resources, [the PEC] sets priorities in the payment of court orders and creates a commission to avoid surprises, such as those we had this year, with the obligation to pay off in an unexpected and very high financial volume of court orders resulting from court judgments”.

Text translated using artificial intelligence.

Edition: Aline Leal

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