Últimas notícias CoronaVac

.vacina CoronaVac - Butantan - produção

CoronaVac now included in campaign for children in Brazil

The move takes place one day after the country’s national drug regulator Anvisa approved the administration of CoronaVac in children and adolescents aged six through 17.

Vacinação drive thru na Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), zona norte do Rio. A cidade do Rio de Janeiro retoma hoje (25) sua campanha de aplicação da primeira dose da vacina contra a covid-19 em idosos da população em geral.

Covid-19: Anvisa to evaluate request for children to be vaccinated

Anvisa says that, for the inclusion of new audiences in the package insert, it is necessary for the laboratory to carry out studies on the relationship of safety and efficacy for "a certain age group".

Caixas com vacinas experimentais contra Covid-19 da Sinovac em Pequim. coronavac

CoronaVac is effective against Ômicron, says Chinese laboratory

Responsible for CoronaVac, Sinovac laboratory is developing a specific vaccine for Ômicron and says that its immunizing agent is effective against this variant of the coronavirus.

Chegada de 59.800 doses da vacina CoronaVac (17.03.2021)
Foto: Breno Esaki/Agência Saúde DF

Butantan study shows higher efficiency of CoronaVac

Study found 99% of vaccinated people in Serrana seroconverted.The indicator was higher than the results from the clinical trials from phases one and two of CoronaVac, showing seroconversion at around 97 and 98 percent, respectively, depending on the dose.

Vacina, frascos contendo CoronaVac, vacina da Sinovac contra coronavírus

CoronaVac use in children and adolescents in Brazil rejected

“The immunogenicity data leave uncertainties regarding how long the protection provided by the inoculation lasts,” Anvisa stated in a note.