Últimas notícias Ministry of Agriculture

Bovinocultura de leite,Vaca, leite

Mad Cow: Brazilian case confirmed as atypical

The procedures to inform the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) and the Chinese authorities have been initiated by the Brazilian government.

gado boi vaca rebanho

Brazilian beef export to China suspended due to mad cow disease

In a note published on Wednesday (22), the ministry explained that the suspension follows the sanitary protocol between both countries and ruled out the existence of risk to consumers.

Colheita de milho, Espiga de milho, Grãos, Colheitadeira

Brazilian agribusiness exports hit record in January

Corn, whose sales totaled $ 1.8 billion dollars, up 166.4 percent, had an outstanding export position. The exported volume corresponded to 6.2 million tons.

Unidade da empresa JBS na cidade da Lapa, no Paraná. A empresa é um dos alvos da Operação Carne Fraca, que investiga irregularidades em frigoríficos no país (Ueslei Marcelino/Reuters/Direitos reservados)

Brazilian meatpackers authorized to sell to China, Indonesia

Also announced was the export of cotton lint to Egypt. “The good winds of the global economy are looking differently at Brazil,” the agriculture minister said.

Uva, frutas, supermercado, exportação de frutas

Brazil officials to certify fruit and vegetables for OECD

The country’s participation in the OECD Scheme for Fruit and Vegetables had its first talks in 2015 and is now reaching its final stage with the training program.