Últimas notícias UNHCR

Refugiados venezuelanos embarcam em avião da Força Aérea Brasileira, em Boa Vista, com destino à Manaus e São Paulo.
Human Rights

Unprecedented survey on refugees in Brazil reveals good education

Most refugees in Brazil work, have education levels higher than the average among Brazilians, and, despite difficulties, would choose the Latin American country yet again if they needed shelter one more time.

Refugiados da Nigéria, que lutam pela independência de Biafra, participam da apresentação do relatório “Tendências Globais”, organizado pela Acnur, durante o 1º Encontro Internacional e 2º Encontro Estadual sobre Migração e Refúgio.

UN launches website to help refugees find job in Brazil

The Global Compact and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) launched today (Apr. 3) in São Paulo a website aimed at helping companies hire refugees living in Brazil. The page includes information for employers on how to hire them.

O ministro do Desenvolvimento Social, Alberto Beltrame, o vice representante da ACNUR no Brasil, Federico Martínez assinam a renovação do acordo de cooperação para garantir acesso aos direitos socioassistenciais de refugiados e migrantes

Brazil, UNHCR renew deal on rights of Venezuelans

Brazil’s Social Development Ministry and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is renewing for another year today (Dec. 28) the cooperation deal ensuring the social and assistance rights of Venezuelan immigrants to housing and employment.


Brazil donates $3.9 million to int’l migration agencies

Brazilian President Michel Temer authorized the donation of $3.9 million to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Human Rights

Brazil grants citizenship to two stateless sisters

For the first time in history, the Brazilian government granted citizenship to individuals recognized as stateless. Sisters Maha Mamo and Souad Mamo were naturalized Brazilian in Geneva, Switzerland, during a United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) meeting.