Eduardo Cunha accepts charges filed for Rousseff's ouster

Lower House Speaker Eduardo Cunha
Lower House Speaker Eduardo Cunha (member of the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party—PMDB) has just reported that he accepted charges filed for President Rousseff's ouster. The announcement was made at a press conference at the lower house.
Cunha accepted the charges filed by the lawyers Hélio Bicudo, Miguel Reale Junior and Janaína Paschoal.
When filing the case, in October, Miguel Reale Junior reported that the lawyers presented as the argument the recommendation of the Federal Accounts Court (TCU) to reject 2014 accounting practices of President Dilma Rousseff's government. At the time, the court analyzed the delay to transfer funds to the state-led banks, Caixa Econômica Federal and Banco do Brasil, related to government's expenses on social programs, which would be considered a credit operation, illegal in Brazil. They also analyzed five government decrees for additional loans signed by President Dilma Rousseff, without congressional authorization.
The impeachment process needs to be backed by two-thirds of lawmakers (513) in order to move official hearing tovthe Senate.
Workers' Party withdraws support for Cunha
In the afternoon, the Workers' Party (PT) members on the Ethics Committee had decided to vote in favor of Deputy Fausto Pinato's report, calling for the continuity of the case filed against Lower House Speaker Eduardo Cunha at the Ethics Council for alleged breach of trust.
With the party's decision, the three deputies who are on the council's board—Zé Geraldo, Leo de Brito, and Valmir Prascidelli—will approve the report. The three votes are considered decisive to file the case against Cunha at the council.
The Ethics Council will meet again next Tuesday (Dec. 8).
Translated by Amarílis Anchieta
Fonte: Eduardo Cunha accepts charges filed for Rousseff's ouster