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Brazil's Rousseff restates she fell victim to conspiracy

The suspended president's defense was read out before the Senate's
Karine Melo reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 06/07/2016 - 18:08
Brasília - A presidenta Dilma Rousseff, durante entrevista  coletiva, disse que o governo não fará reforma ministerial antes da votação do impeachment. A presidenta participou da apresentação da aeronave KC-390, novo avião cargueiro
© José Cruz/Agência Brasil

In a statement read out today (Jul. 6) by Attorney-General José Eduardo Cardozo before the Senate's Procedural Commission on Impeachment, suspended President Dilma Rousseff reiterates her innocence of the charges in the case which may strip her of office permanently.

Rousseff stresses that, ever since the proceedings were initiated by suspended lower house speaker Eduardo Cunha, “the reasons and the purpose” behind her impeachment were clear. “A number of political forces saw—and still see—my not interfering in the probes conducted under Operation Car Wash as a risk to sectors of Brazil's political class.”

The temporarily removed president restates she has fallen victim to a conspiracy, made evident through telephone conversations held by Senator Romero Jucá (of the PMDB) and former Transpetro President Sérgio Machado, which led to the former's departure from his position as Planning minister days after he was sworn in by acting President Michel Temer.

“As stated by Senator Romero Jucá, one of the most important leaders in the interim administration, I had to be removed from the presidency so that a deal could finally be forged which would thwart police operations against corruption, and so that the 'bleeding' resulting from such investigations would stop. A range of other testimonies from those backing or forming the current government have confirmed what had been disclosed: I had to be brought down so they had a chance to dodge justice,” Cardozo quoted.

Rousseff also referred to those who failed to acknowledge the opposition's defeat in the 2014 presidential election: “They wanted another policy for the country, with plans and goals altogether different from those chosen by the majority of Brazilians.” Dilma Rousseff also argues that her victory was due to the success of the social policies in her administration.

Rousseff makes a plea

Rousseff also urged senators—opposition included—to consider what her permanent ouster—founded as it is on the grounds presented—would represent to such a young democracy as Brazil's. She also asked lawmakers to rid themselves of all personal bias. “The evidence is clear and proves overwhelmingly that I acted in bona fide, for the good of the country and our people—always in compliance with the law,” the text reads.


On the closing lines of her defense, the suspended president once again criticized Michel Temer and accused him of betrayal and lying. “We must show that we can honor our Constitution, democracy, and the rule of law by paying due respect to the popular vote. We must show, in conclusion, that we are capable of saying no to all of those who, unscrupulously, acting in an elitist and opportunistic manner, avail themselves of betrayals, lies, treachery, and coup-mongering in a bid to hypocritically attain power and rule completely out of line with the wishes of the majority of the population,” Rousseff concludes her defense by saying.

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: Brazil's Rousseff restates she fell victim to conspiracy

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