Survey: Most Brazilians want new presidential vote this year

More than half of the Brazilian population believes the best course of action for the country is holding new presidential elections this year, with the departure of both suspended President Dilma Rousseff and acting President Michel Temer. The information comes as part of a survey released today (Jul. 26) by Ipsos, a pollster and a market intelligence research company, active in 86 other countries.
The institution asked 1.2 thousand people the question “What's best for Brazil?” and gave respondents four possible answers: Temer rules up to 2018, Rousseff returns and rules up to 2018, Temer remains in office and new elections are held this year, and Rousseff returns and new elections are held this year.
The majority of respondents (38%) answered that the best scenario is having Temer remain in office only until a new vote is held this year. Another 14% would rather have Rousseff restored to office until new elections are held. With the two answers combined, the survey reveals that the majority—i.e. 52%—favors new elections, regardless of the conclusion of the impeachment case against Rousseff.
The least favored choice (14%) was Temer's serving as president up to 2018, against Rousseff's counterpart, which added up to 20% of interviewees.
The question on Brazil's political scenario was added to a broader study about the country, conducted on a monthly basis by Ipsos.
Under the Brazilian Constitution, a new presidential vote is only slated to be held in 2018. Holding it any earlier than that is only allowed in case both suspended President Rousseff and acting President Temer renounce simultaneously. Alternatively, a constitutional amendment could be signed by Congress to make new elections permissible. Both scenarios, however, are deemed unlikely.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Survey: Most Brazilians want new presidential vote this year