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Rousseff's trial to begin on August 25

The suspended president shall be heard by the senators on the 29
Karine Melo and Mariana Jungmann report from Agência Brasil
Published on 17/08/2016 - 17:12
Brasília - A presidenta afastada Dilma Rousseff divulga carta denominada Mensagem ao Senado e ao povo brasileiro, na qual admite que cometeu erros na gestão do país e propõe novo plebiscito (Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil)
© Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil
Brasília - Os presidentes do Senado, Renan Calheiros, e do Supremo Tribunal Federal, Ricardo Lewandowski, se reúnem com líderes partidários do Senado para discutir e definir os ritos da sessão de julgamento do impe

After a two-hour meeting with Senate's President Renan Calheiros and party leaders, Chief Supreme Court Justice Ricardo Lewandowski defined the proceedings of suspended President Dilma Rousseff's final impeachment trial.Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

After a two-hour meeting with Senate's President Renan Calheiros and party leaders, Chief Supreme Court Justice Ricardo Lewandowski defined the proceedings of suspended President Dilma Rousseff's final impeachment trial, to be chaired by him.

According to the schedule, the trial will begin on Thursday (Aug. 25), at 9 am, and the justice expects it to last at least four days. On the first two days, senators may raise points of order and eight witnesses will be heard.

On Monday (29), Suspended President Rousseff will personally defend herself at the Senate against the charges of breaking budget laws. She will have 30 minutes to make her defense but, according to Lewandowski, this time may be extended if needed.

The roll call vote will be cast on the electronic voting systems. If at least 54, out of the 81 senators, vote for ousting Dilma Rousseff, she will be definitely removed from office and will became ineligible for 8 years beginning at the end of 2018, when her mandate would end. If this minimum vote is not reached, the case is shelved and she assumes the presidency.

Translated by Amarílis Anchieta

Fonte: Rousseff's trial to begin on August 25