Thirteen in Brazil’s presidential race this year
Thirteen candidates are to vie for Brazil’s highest political position. The last party conventions for the nomination of hopefuls were held this weekend. All tickets, complete with candidate, running mate, alliances, and coalitions must be made official by Monday (Aug. 6) with the country’s electoral authorities.
Now, candidates must register with the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) by August 15. Then, any prosecutor, candidate, political party, or coalition will be able to lodge a request to invalidate any registrations filed. The first round of elections will be held on October 7, the second on October 28.
Candidates would total 14 had the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) not made a deal with the Workers’ Party (PT) late on Sunday evening (5) to withdraw the candidacy of Manuela d’Ávila, who should now accompany Fernando Haddad, PT’s running mate, across the country. They are to campaign on behalf of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, nominated as the party’s presidential hopeful on Saturday.
Lula has been in jail in Curitiba, south Brazil, since April 7. The onetime leader was convicted by an appellate court as part of Operation Car Wash of having received a triplex apartment complex in exchange for granting favors to construction companies.
Confirmed during the conventions held in previous weeks were the candidacies of Vera Lúcia (PSTU), Ciro Gomes (PDT), Guilherme Boulos (PSOL), Henrique Meirelles (MDB), Jair Bolsonaro (PSL), and José Maria Eymael (PDC). In addition to the PT, six other parties held conventions this weekend:
Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB)
Former São Paulo Governor and PSDB head Geraldo Alckmin was confirmed as candidate on Saturday (4). In his first address as presidential hopeful, Alckmin said he wants to become president to unite the country once again and recover Brazilians’ “stolen dignity.” He argued for a political reform, the reduction of the size of the Brazilian state, and tax simplification to bring the economy back on track.
Rede Sustentabilidade
The first national convention of the Rede Sustentabilidade (Sustainability Network, in a literal English translation) also confirmed, by acclamation, the name of Marina Silva as presidential candidate. She came third in the 2014 presidential election.
Silva promised a clean campaign, free from fake news and slander. She pledged commitment to the pension, tax, and political reforms, proposing an end to re-elections and encouraging independent candidacies.
Senator Álvaro Dias was selected by Podemos—a political party whose name is Portuguese for “we can”—to take part in the presidential race. The nomination is backed by three other parties. Dias announced that, if elected, he would invite trial court judge Sérgio Moro, in charge of Operation Car Wash, to become justice minister.
The national convention of the Patriota party, in São Paulo, unveiled Federal Deputy Denevenuto Daciolo Fonseca dos Santos, known as Corporal Daciolo, as its candidate. The decision was made unanimously.
Partido Novo
João Dionisio Amoêdo had his presidential candidacy made official by the Partido Novo (New Party) as part of the convention held in São Paulo on Saturday. The presidential hopeful spoke in favor of privatizing state-controlled companies.
Partido Pátria Livre
At its Sunday convention, the PPL (Free Fatherland Party in a literal translation) chose João Goulart Filho to vie for the country’s presidency. He is the son of erstwhile President João Goulart, popularly referred to as Jango, how had his tenure (1961–1964) interrupted by the military dictatorship. This is the first time he runs for president.