Senate confirms new Supreme Court justice

The appointment of jurist Luiz Edson Fachin was approved by 52 votes

Published on 20/05/2015 - 12:32 By Mariana Jungmann reports from Agência Brasil - Brasília

Senadores durante votação em Plenário da indicação do jurista Luiz Edson Fachin para o STF. Ele foi aprovado com 52 votos a favor, 27 contra e nenhuma abstenção (Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil)

Senators during the plenary session for the confirmation voting of Luiz Fachin as a Supreme Court justiceWilson Dias/Agência Brasil

By 52 votes in favor, 27 against and no abstentions, the Brazilian Senate approved the nomination of jurist Luiz Edson Fachin to the Supreme Court (STF). Fachin, who was appointed by President Dilma Rousseff, will replace retired Justice Joaquim Barbosa.

His approval as justice was met with delight by several senators, especially in his home state of Paraná. “I couldn't go without mentioning how Paraná was united in support of Professor Fachin,” said fellow countrywoman Senator Gleisi Hoffmann.

Senator Randolfe Rodrigues also expressed his support. He described Fachin's confirmation as the “victorious appointment of one of the country's best jurists.” Like Hoffmann, Randolfe stressed that Fachin was even supported by jurists with different opinions from his, who attested his competence through open letters and expressions of support.

Among those who voted against Fachin was the leader of the Democrats opposition party, Senator Ronaldo Caiado, who issued a statement criticizing the approval. “[He's got strong] ideals about property rights and the social purpose of land, a view that was defended during the Constituent Assembly and would hardly be changed by anyone after a certain age. We need a justice that will help [the court] make thoughtful decisions,” he argued.

The government leader in the Senate, Delcídio Amaral, complimented the president of the house, Renan Calheiros, for conducting the voting session with neutrality. “Your Excellency behaved like a magistrate in this session,” Amaral told Calheiros after the vote.

In a statement, the national president of the Bar Association of Brazil, Marcus Vinicius Coêlho, referred to Fachin's approval as a victory for law itself. “The confirmation of Fachin puts one of the greatest legal talents in a prominent position, which only does him justice and makes another outstanding contribution to the continuation of the STF activities with an unbiased, independent disposition,” said Coêlho.

Soon after the announcement of the new justice, a honking demonstration began on the streets surrounding the Congress building in Brasília. On social media, Internet users said the honking was a protest against the approval. Before the vote started, banners and posters were put up in front of the Senate entrances calling for his rejection.

Translated by Mayra Borges

Fonte: Senate confirms new Supreme Court justice

Edition: Aécio Amado / Augusto Queiroz

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