Últimas notícias CGU

Brasília (DF) 12/07/2023 - O ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro fala com jornalista após depoimento no inquérito que investiga uma tentativa de golpe de Estado que teria sido articulada pelo senador Marcos do Val (Podemos-ES). O inquérito foi aberto em fevereiro pelo ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal Alexandre de Moraes.
Foto: Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil

Investigation concludes Bolsonaro's vaccination record is false

Records from the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) indicate that former president Bolsonaro flew from São Paulo to Brasília the day before the alleged vaccination.

O ministro da Controladoria Geral da União (CGU), Wagner Rosário, participa do programa Brasil em Pauta  na TV Brasil

CGU recovers BRL 1.8 billion in leniency agreements in 2021

In total, five agreements were signed this year. Another 24 are underway. The data were passed on by the minister of the CGU, Wagner Rosário, in an interview with the program Brasil em Pauta, on TV Brasil .

O presidente Jair Bolsonaro participa de evento alusivo ao Dia Internacional Contra a Corrupção,no Palácio do Planalto

The government will complete 60 actions of the Anti-Corruption Plan by the end of the year

Of the total of 153 actions scheduled to be delivered by 2025, 60 will be completed by the end of December 2021, which represents 39% of execution according to data from the Federal Comptroller General (CGU).

FILE PHOTO: A medic fills a syringe with COVAXIN, an Indian government-backed experimental COVID-19 vaccine, before administering it to a health worker during its trials, in Ahmedabad

Brazil gov’t temporarily suspends Covaxin deal

The contract has been brought under scrutiny by a Senate panel and by the country’s Prosecution Service.


Brazil gov’t signs leniency deal with Odebrecht

Brazil’s Attorney-General’s Office (AGU) and the Comptroller-General’s Office (CGU) signed a leniency deal with construction giant Odebrecht for the embezzlement of funds from the federal government as well as state-controlled companies Monday (Jul. 9).