Brazil to bar foreigners implicated in pedophilia
As of Thursday (May 22), foreigners convicted of or reported for involvement in pornography or sexual exploitation of children and adolescents will be barred from entering Brazil. The new restrictions will already apply for the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
The Minister of Justice, José Eduardo Cardozo, said that Brazil is expanding its sources of information on the issue and “establishing a clear strategy to prevent those implicated in pedophilia from entering the country, both during the World Cup and onwards.”
From now on, in addition to checking the Interpol database – which includes a listing of convicted sex offenders – the immigration officers will search data from the Federal Police Department and reports received by the Human Rights Secretariat's Disque 100 (Dial 100) hotline before allowing foreigners into the country.
According to the Chief Minister of the Human Rights Secretariat, Ideli Salvatti, the hotline will be on alert during the World Cup. “This will set an important milestone in suppressing this practice,” she said.
The Minister of Justice explained that the restrictions will apply to all nationals, whether or not they are required a visa to enter Brazil. “Even those who have obtained a visa may be blocked from entry if our records show that they are implicated in pedophilia. We won't let anyone who engages in such conducts step on Brazilian territory,” he warned.
Translated by Mayra Borges
Fonte: Brazil to bar foreigners implicated in pedophilia