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Petrobras admits to spending on US oil refinery more than expected

Investments from September 2006 to 2013 total over $686 million
Nielmar de Oliveira reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 28/04/2014 - 16:54
Rio de Janeiro
Refinaria de Pasadena, Texas
© Agencia Petrobras/divulgação
Refinaria de Pasadena, Texas

Pasadena Refining System Inc., in Texas Agencia Petrobras/divulgação

In response to a news article published by daily O Globo on Monday (Apr. 28), Petrobras confirmed that its total spending on oil refinery Pasadena Refining System Inc., in Texas, surpasses $1.9 billion, an amount considerably higher than the $1.249 billion previously announced.

Besides the $1.249 Petrobras paid Astra, the previous owner, for the purchase of the refinery, an additional $685 million was spent on maintenance services as well as operational, environmental and security reforms from September 2006, when the refinery was purchased, up to 2014, according to Petrobras.

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: Petrobras admits to spending on US oil refinery more than expected