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Brazil imports power from Argentina

Imports are an ordinary procedure as part of an agreement signed
Sabrina Craide and Alana Gandra report from Agência Brasil
Published on 22/01/2015 - 11:21
Brasília, Rio de Janeiro
linhas de transmissão de energia
© Arquivo/Agência Brasil

Brazil has been importing electric power from Argentina to meet the demand on the national power network (SIN in the Portuguese-language acronym), which serves a vast majority of Brazil's energy needs. Last Tuesday (Jan. 20), for example, we tapped 165 megawatts (MW), which accounts for only 0.22% of the day's load. According to the National Power System Operator (ONS), importing power from our South American neighbor is an ordinary procedure.

In January 2006, the ONS signed an agreement with Argentina's Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico (CAMMESA) whereby the two countries agree to mutually import electric power under special circumstances. All power imports must be returned by an equal amount, with no financial transactions involved, based on direct understanding between the two operators. According to the ONS, both countries have resorted to each other's power on several occasions since the agreement was signed.

Translated by Mayra Borges

Fonte: Brazil imports power from Argentina