Brazil Aid to inject over BRL 90 billion into economy

Brazil Aid - the federal government's new permanent income transfer program - shall inject over BRL 90 billion ($ 17 billion dollars) into the retail economy during 2022, the Minister of Citizenship João Roma informed on Monday (Feb. 7) in an interview with radio program A Voz do Brasil.
According to Roma, Brazil government will also pay an additive to the emergency aid - which was in force until October 2021 - to male heads of families. The money, which was initially a priority for women in this position, was released to men by the National Congress at the end of 2021 and will soon be paid by Federal Savings Bank – CEF.
“There are several programs that go beyond social protection, to achieve social transformation for Brazilian families. We are managing to strengthen more than 17 million low-income families throughout Brazil with the permanent income transfer program Brazil Aid,” said the minister.
Roma also mentioned the Electric Energy Social Tariff program through which 24 million low-income families have a discount in electricity tariff. These families are also registered with the social welfare program Brazil Aid.
Regarding the heavy rains that caused floods and destruction in several locations in Northeastern and Southeastern Brazil, João Roma said that the Ministry of Citizenship acts quickly to try to bring comfort and help to all municipalities affected by natural disasters.
“There are many families in need. We’ve seen many reports of families who lost everything they had with the force of the waters, in a very treacherous way. The federal government is mobilized, helping municipalities and these families”, explained the minister.