Brazil registers growth in wind and solar energy generation

The Monthly Energy Bulletin of November 2021, published this month by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, reports that the Internal Electricity Supply (OIEE), the sum of consumption in economic sectors minus distribution and transmission losses, is expected to grow 4.7 percent in 2021. Wind and solar energy sources have risen 2.9 percentage points in the composition of the OIEE matrix, reaching 13.4 percent.
According to data from the ministry, with this figure - 13.4%, Brazil has exceeded the clean energy indicator of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), estimated at 13 percent for 2021.
The deputy secretary of Energy Planning and Development of the ministry Marcello Nascimento Cabral da Costa spoke about the importance of the sector, and informed that in the last 12 months, wind generation grew by more than 20%, and solar generation by more than 60%.
“Our energy matrix is one of the most renewable in the world with a proportion of 48 percent, an indicator more than three times higher than the world average. Regarding the electricity matrix, we have 85 percent of renewability, whereas the world average is only 28 percent. Brazil has been a protagonist in the renewable sector worldwide for more than half a century, when we started the implementation of large hydroelectric plants and the production of ethanol”, said Costa.
New legislation
According to Leonardo Euler, vice president of Vestas for Latin America, a company that works with the production of wind energy turbines, Decree 10,946, published in January, shall expand the generation of clean energy in the country.
The new legislation on the use of natural resources in inland waters under the country's domain, shall expand the area of wind capture. According to Euler, with the installation of turbines in high seas in different regions of Brazil where the winds are blowing strongly, it will be possible to make better use of the country's wind potential.
A regulatory environment will help the country to use its offshore wind potential in a better way, that is why “the decree is certainly an important step in this direction,” said Euler.
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