Wind power capacity in Brazil likely to set new record in 2023

Last year, the installed capacity in Brazil’s wind power generation saw a record four gigawatts (GW). This year, Executive President of the Brazilian Wind Energy Association (ABEEólica) Elbia Gannoum expects a new all-time high.
“We should have 29 GW of installed capacity by the end of 2023. That adds up to an estimated BRL 28 billion, as one gigawatt of installed wind power corresponds to some BRL 7 billion,” she told Agência Brasil.
In February this year, Brazil reported 890 wind farms across 12 Brazilian states—a total of 25.04 GW of installed capacity in commercial operation, serving 108.7 million people. Of these, 85 percent are in the country’s Northeast.
In another survey, the association shows the economic and social development brought about by wind energy. In the Northeast, for example, the GDP of the cities with wind farms surged 21 percent, and their human development index also rose 20 percent “following the advent of the farms.”
For each real invested in wind energy, BRL 2.9 are returned to the economy, the text points out.
By 2028, Brazil is expected to have 44.78 GW of installed capacity for this type of energy, whose share in the national grid currently stands at 13.2 percent.
As it stands today, wind power accounts for 20 percent of the energy generation the country needs.