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Last wanted man from 12 suspects of terrorist plot arrested in Brazil

Military Police caught the suspect at the intercity bus station in a
Agência Brasil
Published on 25/07/2016 - 10:38

The last of the 12 people suspected of planning terrorist attacks in Brazil for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games was arrested Sunday (Jul. 24) in Comodoro, Mato Grosso, located 656 kilometers from the state capital, Cuiabá. He was caught by military police at the local intercity bus station and taken to a local police station for questioning, and will be transferred to a federal prison later today (25).

Justice Minister Alexandre de Moraes has told journalists that police have used information from a collaboration with international intelligence agencies to arrest suspects in the so-called Operation Hashtag, launched by Federal Police last Thursday (21).

“Intelligence services from a number of countries have contributed information,” the minister said.

Federal Police have a special counter terrorism group that works in collaboration with the United States, France, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Argentina, and Paraguay.

Translated by Mayra Borges

Fonte: Last wanted man from 12 suspects of terrorist plot arrested in Brazil

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