Another 187 Venezuelans relocated to other Brazil states

The Brazilian government is initiating the sixth stage of the relocation process with the immigrants entering Brazil to flee the political and economic crisis in Venezuela. A total of 187 Venezuelans left Boa Vista, Roraima, today (Aug. 28), heading for the state capitals of Amazonas (65), Paraíba (69), and São Paulo (53), in search of new opportunities.
Altogether, 276 people were taken in planes of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) over the course of this week. Next Thursday, 60 will be taken to Paraná state, 25 to Rio de Janeiro, and four to Brasília.
From April to July this year, 820 people were transferred from Roraima to seven cities. Most (287) were sent to shelters in São Paulo.
Another thousand Venezuelans are expected to be resettled in September, according to the office of the president’s chief of staff, spearheading the efforts.
Transfers take place voluntarily, as an alternative for immigrants living under extreme vulnerability.
After it is ascertained which cities have the appropriate facilities to welcome the immigrants and what sort of shelters they have, the Venezuelans interested in relocating are given a chance to take part in the process.
All Venezuelans migrating to other cities are vaccinated and undergo health exams.
The efforts have been implemented in partnership with international bodies like the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Even before Venezuelans start the trip, responsibilities are assigned for after their arrival, like health care, school enrollment for children, Portuguese lessons, and vocational courses.