Brazil police arrest fugitive from Islamic group Hezbollah
The Brazilian Federal Police arrested international fugitive Assad Ahmad Barakat. He was detained today (Sep. 21) in Foz do Iguaçu, in Paraná state. Barakat had his imprisonment ruled by Paraguayan authorities and ratified by the Brazilian Supreme Court. The announcement was made by the Federal Police on their website.
The fugitive as well as his family members were reported to be linked to Lebanon-based Islamic extremist political group Hezbollah. He was sentenced over charges of identity theft, and had committed other crimes on the Argentina–Brazil–Paraguay border, according to intelligence and security agencies from the countries in the region.
In 2002, Barakat had his arrest authorized by the Brazilian Supreme Court in the extradition case initiated at the request of court authorities in Paraguay. He had been accused of illegally transferring funds overseas and product counterfeiting.
In 2006, he was released. However, the Federal Police say, he was still active in South America, living in Brazil while making business in Paraguay, Argentina, and Chile. His clan’s headquarters were in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay.
In July, 2017, Argentine authorities froze his assets as well as his relatives’. The decision was reported to prove necessary because Barakat’s family had acquired prizes totaling an undeclared $10 million at an Argentine casino. The move is believed to have aimed to embezzle money for the organization.
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