Portuguese language in spotlight with “Turma da Mônica” abroad

The happy and funny characters from the comic stories of Turma da Mônica—or Monica’s Gang, as it is often referred to in English—created by renowned cartoonist Mauricio de Sousa and popular among kids in several countries are traveling the Portuguese-speaking world. The goal is to show the public the different varieties of Portuguese throughout the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP).
The exhibit, entitled Turma da Mônica: Viagem aos países da língua portuguesa (“a trip to Portugueses-speaking countries”) is being displayed in Praia, Cape Verde, started last month and should be open to the public in June and July, with scheduled visits.
“Mônica and her friends leave Brazil to set off on a great adventure through Portuguese-speaking countries. Explanations are given in a fun way, through the eyes of a child, but always in compliance with the Common Orthography of our language. An attempt was made to portray Portuguese speakers, who often feel as though they were on a sort of big cultural island, with a huge world out there that speaks the same language as we do. Despite national variations, we can all make ourselves understood,” said diplomat Paula Alves de Sousa, director of the Cultural Department of Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Relations.
Language heritage
“The Portuguese language is the link that brings together a number of countries across the world. Our exhibit seeks to remind everyone that we use this language heritage as a tool to send a message of love, understanding, and culture to CPLP. May thousands of children feel like a part of this community, and embraced by our tongue,” Mauricio de Sousa said.
Visitors have a chance to become acquainted with the adventures and discoveries of such major characters as Mônica, Cascão, Cebolinha, Magali, plus names from the TV cartoon series on a trip through the nine lusophone nations.
Turma da Mônica characters were created in the 1960s by Mauricio de Sousa, whose work has reached some 30 countries. Approximately 150 Brazilian and international companies have been licensed to produce over 3 thousand items featuring Sousa’s characters.