Decree regulates the revitalization of hydrographic basins by Eletrobras

President Jair Bolsonaro issued a decree that regulates the obligation to revitalize the hydrographic basins of the São Francisco River and the Parnaíba River and those located in the area of influence of the reservoirs of the Furnas hydroelectric plants. The measure is provided for in the Eletrobras privatization law, sanctioned in July this year after approval by the National Congress.
According to the law, which provided for a series of obligations after privatization, companies that win the auction must invest R$ 350 million per year in projects for the revitalization of water resources in the São Francisco River and Parnaíba River basins and others. $230 million annually in projects to revitalize the water resources of the hydrographic basins in the area of influence of the reservoirs of the Furnas hydroelectric plants.
These investments, according to the federal government, "seek to ensure the necessary availability of water in adequate standards of quantity and quality." According to the law, this obligation will persist for a period of 10 years. The use of these resources will be monitored by Management Committees, whose institution was also established by law, and by the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU).
article updated at 1:07 pm on 12/01/2021 to add the link to the decree
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