Northeast receives Wi-Fi Brazil points and computer donations

The Minister of Communications, Fábio Faria, and the CEO of Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), Glen Valente, participated today (29) in the inauguration of high-speed internet points for the Wi-Fi Brazil program in the city of Ceará- Mirim, in Rio Grande do Norte.
The city, which is located in the Northeast region of the state, will receive 10 internet points to connect schools and health centers, in addition to technical training centers aimed at young people and adults. The sign is open and free, and it can also be used by the general population. Of the more than 400 points available in the region, around 80% are in rural regions.
"This event is yet another fulfilled promise, of taking digital inclusion to the four corners of Brazil and, here, with high quality and speed internet," stated minister Fábio Faria during the delivery.
“We held the 5G auction to bring internet to all cities in Brazil with 5G. But, until this internet arrives, we want to connect all rural schools and health centers until next year. But schools without internet we can no longer let it happen”, he added.
During the ceremony, 500 computers were also donated, which will be used for the digital inclusion of young people through courses and digital workshops under the Computers for Inclusion program - created by the Ministry of Communications to allocate workstations that were in disuse in public administration for needy young people.
EBC contributed half of the machines delivered by Computers for Inclusion. “We donated more than 500 machines to the Ministry of Communications. In today's delivery, half was provided by EBC . We are part of this whole movement that generates citizenship in the Ministry of Communications”, explained Valente.
According to the EBC CEO, Wi-Fi Brazil and Computers for Inclusion are complementary initiatives, as they make the tool available - computers; and the connection medium - the internet. The Ministry of Communications informed that 45 schools in the region will receive the machines, which will be installed in computer labs.
Learn more about the Computers for Inclusion program:
Digital TV
The city of Touros, also located in Rio Grande do Norte, also received a digital antenna that will allow the arrival of the TV Brasil signal. The initiative is part of the Digitaliza Brasil program, which aims to bring quality signals throughout the country.
“There are 1,600 points that are part of Digitaliza Brasil, which means that there are 1,600 points that didn't have TV Brasil and now do. This increases our reach, our relevance. We are proud to be the sixth most watched channel in Brazil; our content is relevant, as is our journalism”, highlighted Glen Valente.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.