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Today is Day: Abolition of Slavery and Samba Day are highlights

Check out the main dates between November 28th to December 4th
Thiago Guimarães - Repórter da
Publicada em 05/12/2021 - 14:38
Coronavirus - Carnival in Rio
© Reuters/Fernando Souza/Direitos reservados

Today is Day highlights, this week from November 28th to December 4th, the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, a commemoration instituted by the UN in December 1995. In addition, December 4th is the 5th anniversary of the death of the poet José Ribamar Ferreira, Ferreira Gullar, known for being one of the founders of Neoconcretism, a movement that defended subjectivity in poetry and plastic arts.

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery

Established by the UN on December 22, 1995, the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery was conceived as a commemoration and a warning. In 1949, more precisely on December 2, the UN approved Resolution No. 317, which then adopted the Convention for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons and the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others. Thus, the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery was designed to mark this achievement.

More than 12 million Africans were brought to the Americas under conditions of slavery. Of these, approximately half came to Brazil. After 100 years, since the abolition of slavery in Brazil, there are still several reflections of this time in today's society. Inequality and social injustice, for example, can be a picture of a time when blacks were treated as merchandise, without any rights in their favor.

The date was also instituted to remember and fight contemporary slavery, still present in the world. Work analogous to slavery, in addition to violating human rights, is also against the penal code. The International Labor Organization (ILO), in data from 2020, states that in Brazil 936 workers were rescued in situations analogous to slavery.

In a 2015 report, TV Brasil 's Caminhos da Reportagem portrayed the Echoes of Slavery, and how this time marked the history of Brazil.

Ferreira Gullar

Deceased on December 4, 2016 at the age of 86 , writer José Ribamar Ferreira, better known by his pseudonym Ferreira Gullar, was very important to the history of Brazilian poetry. In 2002, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature and in 2014 he was immortalized and became a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters.

Born in Maranhão, Gullar is the author of several works, such as Um Little Sobre do Chão (1949), A Luta Corporal (1954) and Poemas (1958). During his exile in the Argentine capital, he wrote the work Poema Sujo (1976), one of his best known. See below, from minute 15 onwards, the interview with the writer, in 2012, for the program ABZ do Ziraldo on TV Brasil .

Iguacu National Park

On November 28th, it will be 35 years since the recognition, by UNESCO, of the Iguaçu National Park as a World Natural Heritage Site. From Tupi-Guarani, Iguaçu means “big water”, the name given to the waterfalls by the natives who inhabited the place. Created through a decree signed by President Getúlio Vargas in 1939, the park is rich in natural beauty and attracts tourists from all over the world.

Presidente da República Jair Bolsonaro sobrevoa as Cataratas do Iguaçu.
Waterfalls of Iguaçu. - Alan Santos/PR

Located in Paraná, 17 km from the city of Foz do Iguaçu and 5 km from the Foz do Iguaçu International Airport, the Iguaçu National Park is a 1,700 km² federal conservation unit. Its biome is the Atlantic Forest, and is home to important species for Brazilian biodiversity. In addition to being recognized as a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO, in 2012 the Iguaçu Falls were elected as one of the seven wonders of the world.
Below you can watch the visit of the program Parques do Brasil , on TV Brasil , to the Iguaçu National Park.

National Samba Day

The Bahia City Council established the 2nd of December as the Dia do Samba. On this date, in 1960, the composer Ary Barroso, known for his sambas, arrived in Salvador, he was born in Minas Gerais. By that time, Samba was already known around the world, however Bahia and Brazil were eternally marked by their compositions. Samba, known for its different styles and types, marks the daily life of Brazilians.

Check out the chronicle about the origin of Dia do Samba by Rogério Sacchi de Frontein for TV Brasil .

World AIDS Day
On December 1st, World AIDS Day is celebrated. The date was established in 1988 by the UN, with support from the World Health Organization (WHO), in favor of the prevention and control of AIDS. On this day, it is common for several monuments in the world to be illuminated with red color.

Although science has developed drugs that block the spread of the virus throughout the body and enable a good quality of life, scientists have yet to come up with a cure for AIDS. Searches for the definitive vaccine for the disease are still continuing. In Brazil, access to treatment and its forms of prevention are guaranteed by the Unified Health System (SUS).

The Science is Everything program on TV Brasil detailed the fight against the virus in the video below.

November 28, 2021 to December 4, 2021

Birth of singer, composer and writer Uday Vellozo from Rio de Janeiro, Benito di Paula (80 years old)

Recognition of the Iguaçu National Park as a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO (35 years)


Birth of actor and humorist from Rio Grande do Sul Walter D'Ávila (110 years old)

Death of Rio de Janeiro singer and composer Nicanor de Paulo Ribeiro Filho, Ari Cordovil (40 years old)

Birth of writer Conceição Evaristo from Minas Gerais (75 years old)

Death of English guitarist, singer, composer, music producer and filmmaker George Harrison (20 years old)

Air crash in Colombia kills 71 people and leaves 6 injured, including members of the Chapecoense football club (age 05)

The marriage treaty between D. Pedro and D. Leopoldina (205 years) signed in Vienna

The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People - international commemoration instituted by the UN; Its purpose is to mark the date of approval of resolution No. 181 of November 29, 1947 at the 2nd session of the General Assembly of the UN itself, which then dealt with the partition of Palestine, and which made possible the creation of the State of Israel

Inauguration of the Brasília National Park (60 years old)


Death of the jurist from Minas Gerais, Heráclito Fontoura Sobral Pinto (30 years old) - was a staunch defender of human rights, especially during the Estado Novo dictatorship and the military dictatorship that was installed after the 1964 coup

Birth of the Bahian politician and magistrate Luiz Vianna, Luís Viana (175 years old) - it was during the government of Luís Viana, Bahia, that the Canudos War took place, a conflict that negatively affected his popularity as governor

Brazil took first place in two of the nine categories of the largest science award for developing countries in the world, The World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries (TWAS) (05 years) - in Social Sciences, a The winner was Marilda Sotomayor, retired professor at the University of São Paulo (SP) and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). His research addresses a specific branch of Game Theory called market matching. Lorenzo Justiniano Díaz Casado, in turn, a mathematician at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), is a specialist in Dynamic Systems Theory, who studies any physical, chemical, biological or economic phenomenon whose evolution over time can be predicted and described by a mathematical law

Evangelical Day - considered a holiday in the Federal District's official calendar. Established by Law No. 12,328, of September 15, 2010, the date honors those who follow this aspect of Christian doctrine

Opening of Santos Dumont Airport (85 years old)

5.1-degree earthquake on the Richter scale hits the city of João Câmara, in Rio Grande do Norte (35 years old)


Birth of Paulista novelist, writer, journalist, playwright and soap opera author Walcyr Carrasco (70 years old)

Birth of the American musician and composer Jaco Pastorius (70 years old) - considered one of the most influential bass players of all times

Birth of the Pernambuco journalist and writer Nestor de Holanda (100 years old)

Death of the composer and lyricist from Rio de Janeiro Antônio de Pádua Vieira da Costa, Luís Antônio (25 years old)

World AIDS Day - international commemoration, supported by the WHO; is mentioned in Resolution A/RES/43/15 of October 27, 1988 of the 38th session of the UN General Assembly, in support of the Prevention and Control of AIDS, and is celebrated with red lighting in monuments in several countries around the world.


International Day for the Abolition of Slavery - commemoration instituted by the UN in Resolution No. 50/167 of December 22, 1995, to mark the date of approval of Resolution No. 317 of the 4th Session of the UN General Assembly on December 2, 1949, which then adopted the Convention for the Suppression of Trafficking in Persons and the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others

National Samba Day

National Astronomy Day

First broadcast of TV Brasil (14 years)


Birth of guitarist from São Paulo Marcelo Fromer (60 years old) - member of the band Titãs, was run over in São Paulo

International Day of Persons with Disabilities - commemoration instituted by the 37th Special Plenary Session on Disability of the UN General Assembly, through Resolution 47/3 of October 14, 1992, to mark the date of adoption of the World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities Disability which was created on December 3, 1982 in another UN Assembly

National Day to Combat Piracy and Biopiracy


Birth of São Paulo singer Mayra Corrêa Aygadoux, Maria Gadu (35 years old)

Death of the poet José Ribamar Ferreira, Ferreira Gullar (05 years old)

Text translated using artificial intelligence.