Eduardo Giannetti is elected to the Brazilian Academy of Letters

Professor and writer Eduardo Giannetti da Fonseca is the new occupant of Chair 2 at the Academia Brasileira de Letras (ABL). With 18 of 34 possible votes, Giannetti was elected today (16), in a hybrid session held at the Petit Trianon. The last occupant of Chair 2 was the philosopher, professor and magistrate Tarcísio Padilha, who died at the age of 93 on 9 September this year.
The dispute for Chair 2 had 11 competitors registered. In addition to the winner, Sergio Bermudes, Gabriel Chalita, Sâmia Macedo, Antônio Hélio da Silva, José Humberto da Silva, Eloi Angelos Ghio D'Aracosia, Jeff Thomas, José William Vavruk, Joana Rodrigues and Alexandre Figueiredo competed. The previous occupants of Chair 2 were Coelho Neto (founder), João Neves da Fontoura, João Guimarães Rosa and Mário Palmério.
In an interview with Agência Brasil , Eduardo Giannetti said that he felt very happy and honored to occupy a chair at the Academia Brasileira de Letras. “I will take this distinction, not as a point of arrival, but as a starting point. From this moment on, I want to dedicate myself even more to writing and thinking about activities that really make me passionate about my work, which are writing and philosophy”.
Giannetti revealed that he intends to dedicate himself to ABL and work in the institution's editorial area, to dedicate himself more intensely to what he really likes, “writing and thinking”.
This was the fifth and last election this year for choosing new ABL immortals. Normally, all this movement, or accumulation of elections, would not have occurred in the same period, but, due to the covid-19 pandemic, the academy was left without the in-person sessions. Only when ABL returned to sessions in the virtual format, first, and then in hybrid mode, could the procedures for occupying the seats be resumed.
The new "immortal"
Eduardo Giannetti da Fonseca was born in Belo Horizonte, on February 23, 1957. He is an economist, professor, author and lecturer, graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting (FEA) and in social sciences from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH), both from the University of São Paulo (USP). He holds a Ph.D. in economics from Cambridge University, England (1987). He is currently a professor at Ibmec Educacional.
He is also an advisor to the political party of the Rede Sustentabilidade party, having been responsible for preparing the economic plans of former senator Marina Silva in the presidential campaigns of 2010, 2014 and 2018. Giannetti has written several books and articles, some of which have been translated into other languages . He won the Jabuti Award twice – in 1994, with the book Vicios Privados, Benefits Públicos? and, in 1995, with the work As Parts & O Todo , and also the Economist of the Year Award, by the Order of Economists of São Paulo, in 2004.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.