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Fecomércio RJ launches institute to promote sustainability

It is the first entity of its kind linked to a federation in the
Alana Gandra - Repórter da Agência Brasil
Published on 08/12/2021 - 18:09
Rio de Janeiro

A survey by the Fecomércio Research and Analysis Institute (IFec RJ) confirmed society's demand for solutions that respect and preserve the environment. The study revealed that 76.1% of the inhabitants of the state of Rio de Janeiro consider the preservation of the environment in their attitudes, an increase of 12.9 percentage points compared to the survey carried out in 2019.

Also according to the survey, 42.8% are willing to pay a higher price for environmentally suitable products. The study was carried out in October, with 243 citizens of Rio de Janeiro.

The issue of climate change was also addressed by the survey and revealed that 65.4% of people from Rio de Janeiro believe that they are associated with their routine actions; 22% do not consider they are associated; and another 12.3% were unable to inform.

The research served as the basis for the launch today (8) of the Fecomércio Sustainability Institute (IFeS), the first institute of this size linked to a Federation of Commerce in the country, in this case Fecomércio RJ.

One of the main objectives of the IFeS is to establish a safe alternative in the implementation of programs that work in the development of social and environmental entrepreneurship, as an element to promote human, business and institutional growth, in order to optimize sustainable practices present in the relationship between entrepreneurs and consumers of trade in goods, services and tourism in Rio de Janeiro.

business improvement

The president of the Fecomércio RJ System, Antonio Florencio de Queiroz Junior, highlighted that the IFeS will contribute to a better and more sustainable future for all citizens of Rio de Janeiro. “Among the various benefits that the Fecomércio Sustainability Institute will provide to the economy of Rio de Janeiro, I highlight the improvement in the business environment, the goal of Zero Plastic (100% recycled by 2030) and the increase in the adhesion of the entire business sector”.

The goal is to make this project a model for other federations in Brazil, said Queiroz Junior. “Sustainability walks in the same direction and in parallel with economic development, ensuring the maintenance of the business in line with current laws and consumer expectations, who are increasingly demanding with the ethical and sustainable behavior presented by companies”, he said.

A pioneer in this segment, the IFeS will initiate various initiatives and propose a series of benefits to society, such as the generation of employment and income, guidance for local commerce, support for collectors' cooperatives, preservation of natural resources, among others.

During the launch, the first IFeS pilot project was presented, which is the RePET program. It is an automated collection machine, built specifically for the disposal of pet bottles and their plastic caps. The initiative is based on post-consumption reverse logistics, a process that consists of collecting and forwarding for recycling (or other appropriate disposal) products and their residues after disposal by the final consumer.

In this first phase, all Fecomércio RJ System employees will be able to deposit the bottles in the model machine, which will be installed at Fecomércio RJ's headquarters, in the Flamengo district, in the south of the city. The population will also be able to make the disposal in the “Anonymous donor” format, but its benefits will be indirect. The project is based on three pillars: operation, traceability and legal proof and interaction with the consumer.


The bottles will be sent free of charge to collectors' cooperatives registered in the system, to be sold with the waste recycling industry. The donation of the bottles will result in awards for employees, who may earn benefits from the Comércio System, such as accommodation at Sesc RJ hotels, discounts on Senac RJ courses, among others.

In addition to the plastic bottles, plastic caps will be collected, which will be used in the “Rodando com Capinhas” and “Pet Solidário” projects. Throughout the process, reports will be generated detailing the 'performance' of the impact generated by the project. The Fecomércio RJ System will monitor in real time the volumes redeemed and the sustainability indicators linked to the action.

The director of the IFeS, Vinícius Crespo, highlighted that the private sector “has an essential role in the process of maturing sustainability practices, as it has the necessary agility to drive innovations and technologies and also act as an influencer and engager of the most diverse – governments, suppliers, employees and consumers”.

Text translated using artificial intelligence.